
  • "When I attended Jungle I was very skeptical, as I usually am of new experiences. But after the first class, I absolutely loved attending. I couldn't wait to come back to the classroom and learn more about driving safely. Attending Jungle was an amazing experience; one that I do not regret in any way. The system you guys have is very well thought out and appeals to teens. The environment you have established is also very appealing. The environment of Jungle isn't very competitive at all, and in my opinion, that is a very good quality to have in a classroom. You guys showed me the safest way to drive and I am very glad I have the training I do.

    And I also have something to else to say for the "Would you Reccomend The Jungle to your friends?" Section: Yes!

    The Jungle system is one of the best Driver's Education Systems available today, and without question the safest and most useful. I, as a matter of fact, recommend it to some of my friends that haven't gone through driver's ed themselves. I honestly believe that if more young drivers would take Jungle, then we would see a lot less teen deaths due to car collisions. Jungle has proven to be an invaluable asset in my education, and I do not regret taking the course. Thanks a ton, for everything."

    Keep up the good work Guys.-George T.

  • Thank you for taking time to teach everyone how to drive safely. It's hard to take serious at first, but one of my friends unfortunately passed away last night due to a car crash...It's really sad, but it also puts things into perspective. So I just wanted to say thank you!

    -Madison F.

  • I just want to thank you so much for your time and understanding in driving with Matthew and me last Saturday. It was so helpful to both of us. It is so clear that you truly care about all of your students - and their becoming safe drivers. Thank you, thank you! I am truly thankful for your driving school and know it has been the perfect experience for Matthew.


  • I took my road test and I passed!! I just wanted to tell you and thank you TONS for teaching me everything I need to know about driving and staying alive in the JUNGLE. I'm so excited to have my license, I couldn't have done it without you!! Thanks again!

    - AO

  • Thanks for the informative session yesterday. It certainly made me think twice about my driving habits, and I'm looking forward to updating my skills with the help of my daughter. I'm very glad I chose Jungle, based on our session yesterday. Thanks again!

    - KW

  • Thank you for the time that you spent with our drivers at Quality Edge, training them to be better defensive drivers. I know that each one of them have benefited in some way from the training. I know I have benefited as well from going through the training with the drivers.

    I have heard comments from more than one driver how the training has helped them see things happening on the road that they would not have noticed before the training. The drivers have commented on how they are checking their mirrors a lot more than they ever have in the past. They are trying to be aware of what is going on around them at all times. We felt the training with "Jungle Survival Drivers Training" was time well spent! We appreciated the way that you shared information with us as well as the hands on experience on the road.

    On behalf of Quality Edge, all the drivers and myself thank you for spending your Saturday morning's here with us. I think that Quality Edge and all of us that went through the training will reap the benefits of the "Jungle Survival Drivers Training" for years to come.

    - KB, Quality Edge Shipping Manager

  • It was very much a pleasure meeting you. I am not overstating it to say how impressed I was with your presentation, your articulate expression of the message, mix of humor and somber realities, and demonstration of your passion for safety. Like I said, it came through loud and clear as much about my children as you do your own.

    Things have clearly advanced considerably from the days when a phys ed teacher taught driver's training during summer months to make some extra money. (dating myself).

    Thanks for your hard work and commitment to safety.

    - Jeff Cranson

  • We heard of Jungle Driving School through the recommendation of a friend and believed it would be worth coming from Ann Arbor to have our three teens attend. (Summer of 2015) I knew within the first half hour of the session with the parents that we had somehow struck gold. Because of the distance we had come from, I needed to sit in on a number of the Segment 1 sessions to pass the time. The teaching has transformed my own concept of driving and I began, immediately, to adjust to the Jungle Way. Our kids have been very faithful to Jungle driving and it has given our household much peace in regards to road safety. I wish all adults were requried to go through a short version of Jungle's method of safe driving. I cannot say enough good about this method and what you've done! It could save lots of frustration in the car and ultimately, many, many lives. If you want peace in the car and safety for your family and everyone you encounter on the road, drive the Jungle Way.

    Susan G.- Ann Arbor

  • I don't know how to thank you. Whatever experience or intuition you have in dealing with anxious kids, you worked miracles with Sam. He hasn't been able to be in a classroom setting since the fall because of his anxiety was so severe. I didn't make him do this class, I gave him a choice after the first day. He trusted you and felt safe and I just wanted to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. We appreciate you so much.

  • Thank you so much for everything you did to make Jungle such a positive experience for Ethan. The class and the drives were fantastic. You went above and beyond to accommodate Ethan and Charlie being able to do the class and the drives together and I am very grateful!

    Again, many thanks for being so helpful!

    Lisa Rapoport

  • Jungle Way Parent Training - When we first signed up, I was not sure that the parent class would be necessary ...I mean really, I've been driving for a long time, right? HA!

    Wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the Parent Training. I really appreciated your approach to the topics and particularly your tips for driving with the kids. It helped as you reviewed the "whys" behind the Jungle approach and modeled some of the techniques to use as we ride along (how to provide feedback, etc.), and on a personal note, I commute to Lansing every day - so lot's of time on the highway...and you've made a believer out of me regarding the mirror placement - took a week or so to get used to it but I've permanently changed my side mirror placement to the way you suggested, and by gosh - It works - there is basically no blind spot! - Love it!

    Regarding Jungle overall - Katlyn finished Segment 1 this week. We got her permit today - We were near the Secretary of State office at Centerpointe Mall. Katlyn was driving - We were on Lake Eastbrooke approaching the 3 way stop to turn left onto Sparks. Katlyn waited her turn in line to turn left...when it was her turn she pulled up and stopped at the stop sign to turn left with a car approaching their stop sign from the opposite way (from 28th St.). My husband (Dad) is in the passenger seat and started to tell her she had stopped so it was OK she could go (he didn't do the Parent Ride-along!)...You would be proud - she looks in mirrors, cars both left and straight and says "Nope, wait - can't go - that car's not stopping." By gosh if we didn't watch that car blow straight through the stop sign past us and keep right on going down toward Beltline and the Woodland Mall - never slowed down for a second...that driver was too busy on her phone to even see us!

    My husband would have gotten us T-Boned right on the spot...but the kid did it right! Day one of her permit driving! You'll have to let Randy know if you get the chance....he took her out on two of her road drives.

    So how's that for the Jungle Way? You should have heard me (Mom) cheering from the back seat!

    You know we will be back for Segment Two!

    - Kathy T.

  • Thank you for a great program! We were very impressed. Our son would come home each night talking about what he had learned. The Jungle Way Parent Training was wonderful and it was great to be able to ride along with him on his last driving day. We will definitely recommend this program to others!

    - Kevin and Jane G.

  • Once again, I wanted to tell you how much I like the program and the opportunity for parental involvement. It was so helpful to take the Jungle Way Parent Training class as a refresher course for someone like me who got a license in a different state years ago, and so useful to sit with you in the car when David was driving so that I would know how to continue the style of instruction so that he continues to improve.

    You guys do a great job!

    - Janet S. (mom of David S.)

  • Good afternoon. I am the father of Chelsea. Chelsea is currently enrolled in your Segment 1 class at your Ada location. (Our son, Alex Harris, who is now 19 years old and accident and ticket free, completed your Jungle training program three years ago.)

    My wife and I are very grateful to you for the training our son received three years ago. We attended the parent training session this past Sunday and are now looking forward to our daughter, Chelsea, receiving the same excellent training from your program.

    The purpose of this note is to simply let you know that there are still some parents out here that "get it" and are committed to doing whatever needs to be done to ensure that our teenage children are trained to drive safely, drive defensively and survive the hazards of the Jungle. We understand that parent involvement and commitment are essential to the Jungle program and we want you to know that we are completely committed to playing our vital role in the Jungle process. I can only imagine the discouragement that you feel when other parents are either reluctant, or blatantly unwilling, to make this same commitment. Please know that we are completely supportive of your program and welcome our Jungle Parental Responsibilities.

    - Michael, Rockford, Michigan

  • Our son Spencer received his official Michigan license in the mail last week. It goes without saying; he was beaming with the satisfaction of attaining a major milestone in his young adult life. The subsequent accolades from his family and friends added further personal joy and sense of accomplishment.

    For a young adult with a learning disability; 'wins' don't come easy. The smallest increments of maturity and growth we take for granted; are triumphant for an LD kid. Needless to say; performing the normal due diligence to prepare and subsequently attain his license is the equivalent of Olympic Gold for Spencer.

    Both Cindy and I need to recognize the fine work you and your team at the Jungle School have done in preparing Spencer with the functional skill sets to become a safe and responsible driver.

    A special heartfelt gratitude needs to be said of Fred Westdale. Fred took particular interest in Spencer and spent extraordinary time and effort to make certain he had the necessary ability and knowledge to progress through the program. Fred possesses the rare qualities of compassion and reality needed to alleviate fear and cultivate the best in his students. The Jungle program provides a valuable contribution to our community in delivering a superior driver education and training experience that both Cindy and I highly endorse and would recommend to any parents. Sincerely Yours,

    - Doug and Cindy Domine

  • My son, Mark, recently completed Session 1 drivers training. I just wanted to tell you how incredibly impressed I am with your program. You have a unique, fun way of dealing with the kids which totally draws them in and ultimately will keep them remembering what you have taught them. The memory sheet given on the first day is awesome. The creative hints to help remember made it actually easy for Mark (and myself) to learn. I can honestly tell you, that he is driving carefully and I am constantly hearing him verbally review the skills taught. Yes, I am corrected from time to time also but he is really right on. I must say, that the Jungle Way is making a difference in my driving also. Mark is my 5th child to go through a drivers training course and we have never come across such a dynamic program. You are to be commended for your creativity and care for the kids in our community. Thank you and your staff for your energy and your focus on saving lives. I am confident you are making a difference in the lives of many young people and their families.

    Thank you, and we'll see you again for Session 2.

    - Sincerely, MS

  • I just wanted to pass on that my daughter Allie passed her test beautifully! Thanks to Jungle and the practice skills test just before she took the driving test, she was very calm, confident and prepared for her test. Jungle was a great investment in my daughter's driving abilities. Thanks so much!

    -Michelle L

  • Jungle,
    Jordan really took the driving skills he learned at jungle and applies them. I have utmost confidence in his ability [as a driver]. He surprises me how well he can maneuver his truck, whether backing up, parallel parking, or driving in traffic. The driving instructor at his test was very impressed with him. He complimented Jordan for waiting for pedestrians in the crosswalk and for saying that he got eye contact with them to see if they were going to cross or wait .Thanks again!

    - JK

  • Thank you for taking Josh out on the road last night. He was SO GEEKED when he walked into the house.."Mom, I drove on the road! I even drove on Fulton at 55 MPH!!!"

    - FV